SIKU for Projects

Empowering Indigenous-led research and monitoring

Free Tools and Services for Indigenous communities to run and manage projects

Data collection & Management Tools built for Indigenous Knowledge and Data Sovereignty

Support Indigenous harvesters and guardians programs at scale by joining a network of over 125 Communities on SIKU

Support community engagement and Self-Determination

Engage & Manage Your Team

Track incentives, honoraria, and payments

Direct messages members for support and engagement

Track & share progress across your team through project feeds

Manage your team, settings, and permissions

Project Customization

Use your Indigenous Environmental Terminology as a classification and measurement system

Indigenous names for species cross referenced to Indigenous dialects

Indigenous classification for Ice & Snow to facilitate safety and knowledge transfer

Profiles & Indigenous terms for geology, landslides, and permafrost

Indigenous Knowledge climate indicators

Document impacts near your community and region

Identify dangerous areas and safety maps based on local knowledge

Indigenous names for species cross referenced to Indigenous dialects

Add Custom Tools and fields for your project and indicators to SIKU

Upholding Indigenous Data Sovereignty

Full ownership, access and control to secure and manage your project’s data and metadata

Control post and location visibility: Share dangerous conditions and keep secure and safe

Ensure no one can see or use your data without permission

See our Terms of Use for more information

Secure backup and real-time export of data, metadata and linked A/V files to CSV GeoJSON

Set custom permission sets and control access to project details and posts

Gain Insights & Visualize Data

Map Filtering

Generate real-time maps of project activities or outcomes

Post Manager

Dynamic dashboards, queries, and filtering

SIKU trip posts from Qikiqtait project, categorized by method of transportation.

SIKU Project Post Manager displaying a pie chart of Wildlife Posts

Analysis & Reporting

Real-time graphs and time series to support reporting and decision making


Tools to support quality assurance/control

Reporting & Accountability

Assess, report, and share outcomes to partners, funders, and communities

The seasonal harvest wheel combining knowledge from Voices from the Bay and SIKU posts.


Social return on investment, surveys, and evaluation


Engage community support outreach with blogs, press, and publications

Impact Measurement

Generate key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress


Indigenous frameworks to share and assess outcomes

Outcomes to Empower Indigenous Equity in Decision-making and Policy

Affirm rights and enable project outcomes that support knowledge-to-action for self-determination


Indigenous Knowledge incorporated into policies

Decision Making

Decision making for sovereignty of Indigenous organizations


Empowerment across the table from Industry, Academia, and Governments


Demonstrate impact and accountability to increase Indigenous investments

What We Offer

Free training and support to ensure success for your project

Project Onboarding

Support for your team to get started moving from priorities to action!

Training & Outreach

Support for training your trainers and members on tools and features

Ongoing Support

Funding & support to expand and keep your project running


Join our network of Indigenous projects and users to exchange knowledge and ideas